
A glance at some of my contributions.

    Founded a permisionless platform for creating automated crypto raffles, powered by Chainlink VRF and Automations. Built for Chainlink Hackathon BlockMagic
  • Raycast - ngrok Extension
    Developed an extension to facilitate the easy creation and termination of ngrok tunnels. This aims to simplify the development process by allowing seamless interaction with ngrok.
  • @awesome-qrcode/react
    Created a React library focused on the easy generation of branded QR codes. The tool can be leveraged for a wide range of applications, from mobile payments to social networking.
  • diamond-diff
    Crafted an NPM tool for comparing EIP-2535 Diamonds. This tool provides users with the specific cuts to be made when updating a Diamond, thereby aiding smart contract development.
  • 0x API Security Enhancement
    Contributed a security update to the 0x API swap contract guide to prevent potential exploits. The change strengthens the reliability and trustworthiness of the guide.